HaBieberthday Justin Bieber ❤ I like you since your first single One Time released. And now im still your one over 18 million Beliebers. I had send thousands of tweets on your twitter and i hope one day you could notice me ! or maybe follow me back ! I #BELIEVE and will #NeverSayNever.
1.I remember i first heard your voice when i was 15 on 2009, you sang One Time and your voice were pretty cute and ah-dorable as you didnt reach your puberty yet that time. Hehe
2.And ze next single is Baby feat Ludacris. Your height is growing slowly. Watch Baby MV and i said 'Fuck that girl in the video, that should be me!'
3. You suprise Malaysia with My World Tour concert in Bukit Jalil. Every Beliebers who went to ze concert keep saying this 'We're breathing the same air with Justin Bieber!' and again i mad as hell that i couldnt watch you as i have Chemistry Exams.
4.I watched Never Say Never 3D with my siblings as the proof that i support you baby ❤ and i cried watching the movie.
5.Everyone get jealous over Malaysian OLLG including me.
6.You came out with your Biography First Step 2 Forever and i still didnt get the book yet. Cause its hard to find ! But i have another kinda look like Biography ze tittle is JUSTIN BIEBER and it have your face on the front cover. It include your fucking big poster ! SWAAAAG !
7.I remember i mad at Mama that she didnt want to buy me Justin Bieber Button Badge that it cost only RM8 at Subang Parade. I hope that unty still have the badges so i can buy them when i come to Subang. Pretty please :(
8.I have thousands of your pictures on my mobile phones.
9.I put your picture as my wallpaper.
10.I remember i get scolded by mama that i scream my lungs out when i watched Justin Bieber on tv even its just the songs i'll stay in front of ze tv and wont let anyone switch ze channels. Haha
So Happy Birthday Justin Drew Bieber ❤ ! You're legal now :)